
Monday, April 03, 2006

How Many Women Are Out There?

Goal: Find the number of possible datable women in the Lower Mainland (with an Asian bias).

First we need to look at the age and ethnic demographic facts available.

  • Total population of the Greater Vancouver Area is about 2,000,000 (Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Richmond, New Westminster, Surrey, Delta, and North Vancouver)
  • About 500,000 (1/4) are Asian (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Filipino, or Vietnamese)
  • About 8% are in the 20-25 age group
  • About 50% are female

This gives us a total of about 20,000 women fitting this category (20-25 Asian women in the Vancouver area). Next we need to narrow this value to those who are available and "datable". I define "datable" as getting at least a 7.5/10 on These values are more subjective and should be looked at in a range rather than an absolute value.

  • 50-80%? married/in a current relationship vs single
  • 30-60%? undatable vs datable

By taking this range on the population of 20,000 we get a value of 1,600 to 7,000. If we take a value somewhere between (i.e. ~3,000) we see that this is quite a large number. It is very difficult to date all 3,000 of these women (especially on a limited budget), and that assumes you can find them to begin with.

What is a guy to do to first find these possible candidates, second pick one to date, and third eventually decide if the one chosen is the "right" one? Can you ever be sure the the woman you have found is the "right" one without dating all 3,000 in the selected population? Or maybe the criteria must be extended to further limit the search results and possible matches (i.e. maybe only 50% would actually consider talking to me :'( thus limiting this number to 1,500).

Finding the right match; this really is a complicated and difficult task. Is there an easier way?


  • what if you include white women? or is that out of the question... or what about half-asian?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:52 AM  

  • Well, part of this exercise was to limit the number of matches. By including white females (there are some good looking ones out there) the possible matches would be increased by approximately 3 times.

    Plus this also complicates the formula as the "datable" factor of white women and Asian women is different.

    By Blogger Jeremy, at 6:16 PM  

  • Racist!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:59 AM  

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